12 May 2014

It's time to get (social) networking!

The Secret Life of Maggie May blog is still in its early days of life - a baby blog, if you like - but of course I could not delay any longer diving into the world of social networking and setting up some exciting new profiles.

Soooo... Any Facebook users, it's time to get a-Liking my new page!

I have to admit, I do love Facebook.

And for all you Twitter fans? Follow me @secretmaggiemay

Finally, if you like Bloglovin, you'll love this... Maggie May is on there! (And if you haven't tried out Bloglovin yet, you should - it's fab)

It's looking a bit forlorn and lonely on these profiles at the moment (admittedly, they're about 10 minutes old) - so please do come and join me and say hello. It would be great to get chatting to some of my blog readers!

#letsgetsecretmaggiemaytrending #maybealittleoptimistic


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