28 March 2019

Spring In My Step

Maggie May - Spring In My Step
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It’s here! {Took your time though, didn’t you Spring?}

The feeling of the sun beating down gently onto your face is so welcome at this time of year - although part of me is paranoid about getting sunburnt after 0.3 seconds exposure thanks to my roaccutane...

The amount of blossom and magnolia filling the gardens where we live is just gorgeous, and magnolia has to be one of my favourite scents. Ours hasn’t done as well this year as previously {I think it took a battering in a hail storm a few weeks ago - that’s British weather for you} but that doesn’t mean I can’t admire other people’s! It’s taking all the restraint I have not to snap pictures of every bloom I see...

Maggie May - Spring In My Step

The frustrating thing about this time of year is the whole layers issue. How many layers should we be wearing? Having been out in the garden all of Sunday afternoon in the sunshine, I opted for a trusty Harbour top*, cord mini skirt, tights and boots on Monday. And I was cold. So Tuesday welcomed a vest top, thin jumper, light scarf and jeans. And I was hot. I felt like a right melon walking around Bristol with my jumper on while people were staked out on the grass eating ice cream. Please tell me I’m not the only one struggling with this?

Layers problems aside, spring has definitely put a, um, spring in my step. I finally tackled our garden at the weekend. We’d met up with friends on the Sunday morning for a catch up over coffee and croissants which was lovely, and when we got home I felt relaxed and ready to don my gardening gloves and get to work. Our poor garden had been rather neglected for several months, much to both of our mothers’ despair, and was in desperate need of weeding, pruning, tidying, replanting... You get the gist.

I did some pretty terrible dividing of our oversized plants, which would probably have made any self-respecting gardeners slap a hand to their forehead in anguish, and Mr MM found it particularly funny when I fell backwards after trying to pull out a well-tethered sage from the soil. The sage won that battle.

Maggie May - Spring In My Step

Although my hands look like I’ve been playing with a vicious cat for several hours, and my back still hurts now {it properly went into spasm on Sunday evening, so I had to get Mr MM to walk on it}, when I get that slight post-exercise burn feeling in my thighs and upper arms, like after a gym session {Ha! As if I know what that feels like}, I feel happy that I spent time doing something good for my body, good for my mental health, good for the garden - and also good for the birds and bumble bees! The bees seem to be loving the selection of lavender on offer, and the birds are such greedy little buggers that our bird feeder was half empty again by Monday morning. They are some tits after my own heart... {I think we all wish I hadn't written that.}

So welcome back, Spring - thanks to you, I'm getting some more vitamin D, my flowers and herbs are getting more TLC, and it generally feels like life has had a kick up the backside following a long and grey winter. You can definitely come again.


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