31 May 2019

BFFs Bank Holiday

Malmaison Afternoon Tea

There is a beautiful amount of spring bank holidays here in the UK.

As last weekend approached with yet another free Monday in sight, Mr MM and I realised that we didn't have any set plans other than general life admin and house stuff. So when two of my BFFs suggested meeting up over the weekend, my ears pricked up excitedly!


20 May 2019

Busy Bees

Busy Bees - Maggie May
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Mr MM and I have been busy bees recently!

It's often the way though, isn't it - you'll have a few weeks go by where life is quiet, you get the chance to catch up on your favourite crime dramas and do some housework, thinking you should probably arrange some stuff to get you busy again when BAM! You're so busy that your Filofax is practically falling apart at the seams {OK, so that's a bit of an exaggeration - but life has felt quite crammed recently}.

13 May 2019

Addicted to Crime Dramas

Addicted to Crime Dramas - Maggie May

I’ve been watching so much Gossip Girl recently that I’m having to restrain myself from starting this post off with, “Good morning Upper East Siders...” But it’s fine, I can stop myself. Just.

When I’m not watching gloriously ridiculously shows like the aforementioned Gossip Girl {other favourites in this category include Desperate Housewives, Revenge, 90210 and Once Upon A Time}, I love getting my teeth into a crime drama. Mr MM and I have enjoyed lots over the past few years, so I thought I would share some of the best ones with you.

6 May 2019

Weekend in Snowdonia

Maggie May - Weekend in Snowdonia

The last time we went to Snowdonia was back in 2016. Because it was a family trip with kiddies, Snowdon wasn't part of the plan - but I was determined to do it at some point. I even included it in my Life Bucket List.

So when one of my besties posted on Instagram that she was organising a trip to climb it with her bf, I invited myself and Mr MM along. Before we knew it, we'd booked a big farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, with 8 of us piling in for a weekend of walking and wine!


1 May 2019


Maggie May - Self Care
This post contains affiliate links*. Full disclosure statement available here.

{Note - all of the images in this post are taken from my Quotes to Inspire Pinterest board - if you're in need of some motivational words about self-love, this is a great place to start!}

I've been feeling a bit lethargic and flat for the last couple of weeks, and I'm not entirely sure why.

I've got a few potential theories - maybe it's a flare of my CFS/ME {as weirdly I've had a flare in the spring for the last couple of years}, or worse, the black dog making his way back in to my life. Or maybe it's just the fact that the weather has been hotter recently, or that I've consumed far too many Easter eggs...
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